What is Chain Piecing?

Chain piecing is a time-saving technique used by quilters to sew multiple pieces of fabric together in a continuous sequence without cutting the thread after each piece. This method not only speeds up the quilting process but also helps maintain consistent seam allowances and reduces the amount of thread used. In this blog post, we’ll explore what chain piecing is and how you can incorporate it into your quilting projects.

What is Chain Piecing?

Chain piecing involves sewing one piece of fabric after another in a continuous chain. Instead of stopping to cut the thread between each pair of pieces, you keep sewing, allowing a small thread chain to form between them. This technique is particularly useful when piecing together multiple quilt blocks or units that are the same size.

Benefits of Chain Piecing

  1. Efficiency: Speeds up the sewing process by minimizing stops and starts.
  2. Consistency: Helps maintain consistent seam allowances.
  3. Thread Savings: Reduces the amount of thread used.
  4. Organization: Keeps pieces organized and in order.

How to Chain Piece

1. Prepare

  1. Cut Fabric: Cut all your fabric pieces according to your pattern instructions. Make sure you have all the pieces ready to go before you start sewing.
  2. Organize Pieces: Lay out your fabric pieces in the order you need to sew them. This helps you keep track and ensures you sew the correct pieces together.

2. Sew

  1. Begin Sewing: Take the first two fabric pieces and align them with right sides together. Place them under the presser foot and start sewing with a ¼” seam allowance.
  2. Continue Sewing: When you reach the end of the first pair, do not cut the thread. Instead, feed the next pair of fabric pieces directly under the presser foot, allowing a small thread chain to form between the sets.
  3. Repeat: Continue this process, feeding one pair after another, until all your pieces are sewn.
  4. Complete the Chain: Once all pairs are sewn together, you’ll have a long chain of connected pieces.

    3. Press Seams

    1. Press Open or to the Side: Before I clip the threads I like to, press the seams of each unit as directed by the pattern. Pressing the seams correctly is crucial for achieving a flat and professional-looking quilt top.

    4. Finish and Cut Apart

    1. Clip Threads: Use scissors or a thread cutter to clip the thread chains between each pair, separating them into individual units.

    Tips for Successful Chain Piecing

    • Consistent Seam Allowance: Use a quarter-inch foot or seam guide to maintain a consistent seam allowance.
    • Organization: Keep your pieces organized and in the correct order to avoid mistakes.
    • Chain Leaders and Enders: Use a scrap piece of fabric at the beginning and end of your chain to prevent thread waste and to start and finish neatly.


    Chain piecing is an invaluable technique for quilters looking to save time and improve the consistency of their seams. By sewing fabric pieces in a continuous chain, you can streamline the quilting process and keep your workspace organized. Whether you’re working on a simple block quilt or a more complex pattern, chain piecing is a skill worth mastering. Give it a try on your next project and experience the benefits firsthand!

    Feel free to share your own tips and experiences with chain piecing in the comments below. Happy quilting!